I love warm weather! I love the feeling of the sun shining on me and being surrounded by warmth. Yesterday, I was surprised to hear on the radio that Moosenee was the hot spot in Ontario... And where is Moosenee you ask?

Yeah... way up there was the hotest spot in Ontario!!! (it's the place in bold letters on the end of James Bay.. sorry you can't see it very well) Whew! The humidex reached 36 degrees celsius in North Bay yesterday. Now that is hot! We've been having some great days of warm weather, but I think yesterday it finally caught up with me. I hate to say this, but it was too hot!
I'm not usually one to complain about the weather. I figure I have no control over it so what's the use being upset about it. But, yesterday I was very tempted to complain. However, I am reminded of what I can be greatful for even when it's so hot outside.

Oh yeah!!! Totally love the new iced coffee. What a great thing to be thankful for. And on top of that... I have 2 Tim cards that were gifts from my students.
I'm also thankful for and air conditioned work place. I have air conditioning at home too, but I don't usually use it. It sure is nice at work though.
Another thing to be thankful for... Our city workers aren't on strike, so we don't have to deal with heat and stinky garbage everywhere. Sorry Toronto and Windsor.
Today we have a break from the heat. It's cloudy right now, and it's probably going to thunder storm this afternoon. It's a nice change. I still like warm weather, and finding things to be thankful for is better than complaining about it. At least it's not snow!

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