That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Coco Chan ~ Missionary to Trinidad

The other day I wanted to blog about my friend Coco who is going to be a missionary to Trinidad. But, my pictures of her weren't coming up on my computer. Well, today I got them to work:).

I was in my second year of Bible college when Coco came to FaithWay. She was a bit older than most of the other students. For that reason and because of her strong accent I didn't become friends with her right away. But soon I did get to know her better, and the more I knew her the more I admired her.

Coco is dedicated servant of the Lord and a hard worker, and she is very smart! She nearly beat me at winning the academic award my third year, and she did get it the next year! Coco is originally from Hong Kong. She came to Vancouver to study english and then her pastor there recommended that she go to FaithWay. After completing her Bachelor of Religious Education Coco returned to FaithWay to get her Masters degree. By this time Coco and I had become good friends. When she returned for her Masters I was on staff at FaithWay, and since I had a two bedroom apartment, Coco lived with me. Having Coco live with me was great! She loves to cook, and I... well cooking is not my strong point. I let her have free range of my kitchen and she made me the most delicious meals!

One of the things I like about Coco is her sincere desire to serve the Lord. She hasn't had the easiest life, but she has never given up! Whether it meant getting two college degrees in a foriegn country in her second language, having patience with the government and her lawyers about getting her Canadian citizenship, or learning how to drive Coco has always been faithful.

Now Coco is following God's call to Trinidad. She has already started her deputation and for the next several months (maybe even years) she will be travelling to different churches presenting her work. When she first began travelling she had to use public transit because she didn't have her drivers licence yet. While I was in British Columbia I got to see her massive suitcase that she took with her to the churches. The thing is almost as big as she is!

Thankfully now she just got her drivers licence the middle of August, so she doesn't have to lug that big thing on the bus and train!

Coco has her own website if you would like to read further about God's call in her life and her desire to be a missionary in Trinidad. It's

Coco has been a great friend. I am thankful for the opportunity to visit her this past summer. She truly is a blessing. I know God is going to use her in a great way in Trinidad!

1 comment:

  1. Awww!!! Thanks for sharing this! And I LOVE that last guys are so cute!

    ~Sarah Gruber
