That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am the absolute WORST photographer ever!  I was looking through some of my pictures from college the other day, and some of them I really have no idea what I was even trying to photograph.  It's not that I don't like photography, I love looking at pictures, I'm just bad at taking them :).  My friend Jaclyn has a beautiful blog and photography website.  I must say I'm a little jealous of her great pics.  She was the one that inspired me to start my blog.  I had all these grand ideas of taking great pictures and posting them every day.  My sister bought me a digital camera for a present, so I was all set.

Hahaha... well that was a short lived resolution!  I did post a few pictures at the beginning, but lately... well if you read my blog you've noticed.  Not many pictures.  Digital cameras are great, but I seem to be lacking the patience to download the pics to my computer, and as far as editing photos... it's just beyond me!  Most of the time I forget to even take pictures.  Like to opening services in our new church building.  Yeah... I was going to take some pictures, but I didn't.  I'm still planning on doing a post of the new building, because it is really nice.

So, I've decided to proclaim this blog officially picture free :).  That is unless I feel like posting a picture here and there.  Sometimes I get in a picture mood.  However, by picture free, I mean that I will not feel obligated to include a picture with every blog post.  So, be warned my faithful blog readers... if you just look at my blog for the pictures, you're going to be disappointed.  I have always been better at writing than at photography.  And, you know what they say... stick to what you know best!

Here's to my picture free blog.  I hope you enjoy :). 

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