That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This past Sunday my Pastor spoke on John 8:1-11.  This is one of my favourite portions of Scripture, because God used it in my life to teach me a very important lesson about forgiveness.  A lesson I'll never forget!  I'm not sure how many times I've read John 8:1-11?  Probably a lot.  I've heard at least 3 sermons that I can distinctly remember on that passage.  I've probably heard more that I can't remember off hand.  But, one thing I love about the Scriptures.  No matter how many times you read them, no matter how many sermons you hear preached on the same passage, they never become tiresome.  Most other books I'll read once, maybe twice and then that's it.  I have no desire to read them again.  Even if I completely forget the story, I still don't want to read them again.  It's the complete opposite with the Bible.  The more I read it, the MORE I want to read it!  Wow! Is that strange?  Maybe, but to me it just speaks of the awesomeness of God!

Back to John 8:1-11, and all the times I've read it, and all the sermons I've heard on it.  This past Sunday I learned some new things, and was also reminded of some good truths :).

1.  Where was the man?  I've heard this before, but it struck me again as my Pastor brought this up.  They only brought the woman taken in adultery, but the Law clearly said that both the man and the woman involved in adultery were to be put to death (Lev. 20:10).  Hmmm... interesting when you think about it, and certainly a little hypocritical of the Pharisees to only bring the woman when the full well knew the law!

2.  The Pharisees weren't interested in justice or proper punishment for the sin.  If they were the man would have been there too.  They were only interested in entrapping Jesus.

3.  Verse 7 is not a free pass to sin.  Basically, what Jesus was saying is that if you are going to accuse someone else of sinning, you better be free from that sin in your own life.  Apparently from the reaction of these accusers they weren't free of that sin!  No stones were cast.

4.  Verse 9.  When we're convicted of sin we have two choices.  We can get right with God, confess our sin and ask forgiveness, or we can go our own way and continue in our sin.  Sadly, the men in this story choose the latter.  God wants us to choose the former!

5.  Verse 11.  Jesus doesn't excuse the woman of her sin.  This is what Christ wants for us too when we our convicted and realize our sin.  He wants us to "go and sin no more."  This is the proper attitude toward sin in our lives.

This passage of Scripture has been a blessing to me in many ways, and continues to be a blessing!

What's a Scripture that has been a blessing in your life?
Leave a comment and share, so it can be a blessing to others too :)!

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