So yeah... I was going to blog regularly all summer... oops.
Summer has been great. I really love north-eastern Ontario summers. We had awesome weather this summer. It barely rained the month of July, which had some gardeners worried. However, our dry spell eventually ended. I think this summer has been almost the perfect balance of nice days and rainy days.
Now it's September, and that is back to work time for me. In fact, it's back to work TOMORROW! I'm excited to start my third fall term of lessons at my studio. I am very blessed. I have several new students and teachers starting this fall. The first week always makes me a little nervous. There's a lot to do. People to meet, students to teach, schedules to organize, payments, book work, etc., etc. Thankfully I have an amazing Mother who is getting quite good at multi-tasking phone calls, lesson payments, and scheduling requests. Thanks Mom :).
I'm going to share a story. Summer is always an interesting time for me. It's interesting, because I don't have a lot of income in the summer. I do still teach, but I don't keep enough students through the summer months to meet all my expenses. That's the cycle of my job, so I plan for that every year by saving during the months school is in to cover my summer expenses.
Right before the summer break this past June I had several VERY large bills to pay. I had also already booked a vacation out West before I knew what these bills were. Unfortunately, my summer savings were almost wiped out before summer even started! But, God is faithful. I was able to go on vacation and meet my July and August expenses. Now the only problem was September. My rent at my studio is paid on the first of the month. But, for September I don't start bringing in any income until tomorrow (Sept 4). I needed to have the money in my account on the 1st. By the middle of August, I knew I wasn't going to have it. So, I prayed about it. Basically, I figured I needed to bring in $100 a day at my studio for the rest of the month of August in order to be able to pay my rent on the 1st of September. I didn't ask God for the money. Maybe I should have. Instead, I told Him that's what I needed and I was simply going to trust Him to give it to me. I'm not sure how theologically correct it is to tell God what to do. I didn't really tell Him to give me the money, I just told Him I was going to trust Him. That probably still sounds bad... but, He's always taken care of me before, so I just trusted.
Guess what?
I got $100 every day! And, I had my September rent on time! Thank you LORD! I knew He would take care of me. Sometimes I think perhaps we are wrong to be surprised when God answers our prayers or when He does amazing things for us. Maybe the surprise seems like we doubted God. But perhaps it's just human nature to be surprised by God... even when we trust Him. I didn't doubt God would take care of my expenses, but I'm still amazed when He does. Maybe that feeling of surprise or amazement is so that we give the glory to Him. I can't imagine how I would get through life if I couldn't trust the Lord to take care of me. I am blessed.
Maybe I'll blog more regularly now... or maybe not... :P
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