That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Only 2 more weeks until the unofficial start of summer! So exciting. I have a hard time measuring my year going from January to December. Instead it goes from September until June. I'm sure all the school aged kids can relate to that. I used to get so confused trying to describe things when I was in school.

"Well, it happened this year, but now it's February and that happened in November, so it was actually last year, but it was this year that I was in school."

Ahhh, so confusing. I'm sure we should reinvent our callander to have New Year's Day coincide with the first day of school. It would make things so much simpler.

Oh yeah, I'm not in school anymore (thank goodness!!!), but my year still is a Sept-June thing because of my job... teaching music lessons to school kids.

This year for the first time I'm going to take the entire summer off and not work at all. July and August here I come! Usually my work load is far less in the summer than during the school year anyways (see, there it is again "school year"... wouldn't "year" be so much easier?). But this year I've decided to not work at all. I think my Dad probably isn't too impressed with that. He's has an incredibly good work ethic. I don't think he's quite a work-aholic.. maybe. But he definitely believes that I should be working as much as I can now and be preparing for the future. If it were up to me I'd work enough to pay the bills and that would be good. But he's always getting me to do things like start a savings account, and buy RRSP's. Who buys RRSP's? Well I guess alot of people do, but I would never have thought of it.

I do enjoy planning about what I'm going to DO in the future, but I live in the present. My Dad is great though. He keeps me responsible with my finances. Thanks Dad! I'm sure my Mom has told him to stop bugging me about money, since he hasn't mentioned it in a while. I also haven't had to borrow money from them lately either, so maybe he figures all his financial advice is finally getting through to me. My Dad always was the sensible one.

My Mom on the other hand... maybe I should save her for a future post. Let's just say she wishes she was coming to BC with me. Sorry Mom :(. You know I wouldn't mind if you came, but I also don't mind doing the trip by myself either.

Oh yeah, so with my summer off I'm going to BC to visit my very best friend, Heather. WOO HOO! And hopefully see a lot of other friends from college too! Then Heather is coming back here for a couple of weeks.

I've decided now that I want to take a trip every year. Maybe not the whole summer. I'm sure by the end of this summer I'll be glad to get back to work. But I had to do it at least once just to see if I can make it! However, I've always loved travelling. So maybe next year I'll take a week or two and just go away. Europe has always been a dream. Yeah, I know I've been there before, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go back!

I hope everyone else is as excited about summer as I am! Warm weather, tans, flip flops, ice cream. Mmmmm. I love when the seasons change every year.

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