I arrived in Abbotsford BC at 10:30 Pacific time. Heather's church was in the middle of getting ready for their VBS which started July 8th. Most of the first week there I spent helping them with all the preparations... like painting 5 giant penguins.

For some reason I don't have a picture of the fifth penguin, but I promise there were five and I did paint them. Okay, Heather helped me a little.
The theme for VBS this year was polar extremes. Hence, all the winter stuff.

I helped paint the ice hut too. That was funny, because we did that the day I arrived. I didn't realize that we would be doing so much painting when Heather said we were going to the church to help decorate, so I hadn't changed out of my good clothes. I am not the best painter in the world. My clothes from when I painted my house will attest to that! Thankfully they had some large garbage bags at the church which covered my clothes perfectly. I think Heather and Velvet had a good time laughing at me. I did look rather rediculous. No picture of that, so you'll just have to imagine it:).
Probably the most interesting part about decorating was hanging the mountain. It was supposed to go on the wall and cover the baptistry.

Heather and I took turns going up and down the ladder:). It's a good thing I'm not afraid of heights.

I'm not sure this was exactly what Heather and Velvet had envisioned, but the work was in progress, and by the next week it was looking much better:).

It definitly felt cold in there!
You were in BC??? You should've dropped by!