That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I'm getting bad at this blog thing! Almost two weeks since my last post! I don't even remember what I wrote about :).
My sister and brother-in-law got possession of their new house last week. My Mom and Dad spent about 55 hours over 4 days cleaning and fixing for the big move. I have not seen the house in person yet, but I've seen pictures and it looks very nice. I'm so glad that they were able to get it and move out of their basement apartment. Hopefully I'll be going down for a visit next weekend and can get some pictures.

Then my Dad went deer hunting, so Mom spent a couple of days at my house. I had to work, but I think she managed to keep busy. We did some window shopping, went out for lunch, went to church Wednesday night, and then she went home on Thursday and immediately got very ill. Thanks for taking your germs home Mom. I appreciate it. But now she is going to miss Joel's first birthday party tomorrow :(. That is very sad.

While my Mom and Dad were helping Marci and Steve move I had the great privilege of babysitting Chester... the cat. For those of you who don't know Chester, he has a unique personality. Our pastor bought my parents a Beware of Cat sign for their house after he met Chester. Let's just say that my parents don't need a watch dog, because the vicious cat does a fine job of keeping unwanted people away (and sometimes wanted people too!).

I think Chester is mellowing a little now that he is a senior citizen. He only bit me once in 2 weeks of living at my house. I'm sure that's a record for him. Although he did bite Becky at least twice. But he sure can leave a lot of hair lying around... great big tufts of it everywhere. And I think i sneezed more in the last two weeks than I have all year!

Awww, poor Chester. We love you anyways... I think. Well Marci loves you... but then again you are her cat even though she's never really had to take care of you!

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