That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March Break Travels

Again, it's been a while since I have posted. I'll blame it on the fact that it was March Break, and I have been away since Tuesday. As for last week... I really have no excuse for not posting, besides the fact that I just wasn't in the mood! Oh well... I'm back now :).

March Break was G-R-E-A-T! I worked Monday and half a day on Tuesday, and then headed to Loring after picking up cat food for my Mom. Yeah, I know you all really wanted to know about me buying cat food, but WHATEVER. After Mom beat me at Scrabble (GRR!), we went outside and boiled a little bit of sap. My parents have been making maple syrup every spring for as long as I can remember. It's definitely tradition. This year has been a pretty crummy sap season because it got too warm too fast. The ideal conditions for the sap to run is if the temperature is just above freezing during the day, and just below freezing at night. Well, we have had the most incredible stretch of warm weather ever for the month of March! It's been great for getting outside, but not so great for maple syrup.

Wednesday morning we headed down to Marci's. We got there around lunch time, and decided that we wanted to go to the mall. Since we've been to the mall in Oshawa many times, we wanted to go somewhere different. We decided to go to the Prominade Mall which is on Bathurst St. in Toronto. It was the nicest mall ever! It wasn't busy at all, and it had some pretty nice stores. Thursday we went to Ikea... did not find anything there :(. Friday we went to visit my cousin Amy in Bradford. Then Mom and Marci went to get Seth a crib. Friday afternoon Mom and I headed back north. It was a very nice trip, and Seth was such a good baby considering we took him all over the country! He's getting so big, and he's soooooooo cute :). Okay, I know I'm the biased Aunt, but he really is sweet.

Today I had to play Scrabble again with my Mom, so I could beat her... which I did! That just made the week end on an extra good note! Sorry Mom... :(. Okay I'm not really sorry.

Now I'm at home thinking about how great I week I had, and how I'm thankful for the life God has given me. It's fun to visit family and spend time doing things together. I'm definitely blessed with an amazing family! Also, I'm so thankful for the protection God gives us. We drove on many roads down south; 401, 407, up to Bradford and back, and didn't even come close to having an accident. I believe that God definitely watched over us while we driving, and that is one thing that I try never to take for granted because driving can be scary sometimes!
I'll try to be better this week at posting, but don't get your hopes up :).

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