That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It finally rained!

It's been a dry spring, but yesterday and today it finally rained! Rain makes some people grumpy, gloomy, depressed, and sad... but not me :)! I love the rain! I especially love the sound of it on my roof when I'm in bed. It's so soothing and puts me right to sleep... LOVE IT!

Rain has so many benefits that I think it's a shame that people always want to make it something negative. It makes the plants, trees, and flowers grow. It cleans away all the yucky winter dirt. It smells good. And it looks beautiful.

Okay, now you're thinking I'm crazy... rain looks beautiful???? WHATEVER Jessica! But it's true! I love watching rain fall from my window. Maybe I am weird, but I think it's pretty. All those tiny droplets falling from the sky... it's so fascinating!

The fact is that we need rain! Without rain we have drought, and drought means death. Plants die, crops die, animals die, and eventually human life could be lost as well. No one wants to die! So even though there's nothing like a hot, sunny summer day, rain is necessary! Because it's necessary it's not sad, gloomy, or depressing. Instead it is growth, life, and (if you're like me) BEAUTIFUL!

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