That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Friday, May 7, 2010

Various Happenings

Things are getting green!   My apple tree is in full bloom... a month early!  Crazy!  I hope the 10 centimetres of snow we are supposed to get tomorrow doesn't kill it.  The deer ate all my tulips.  I thought I had solved that problem by planting daffodils among my tulips.  Apparently, daffodils are poisonous to animals.  Well, it didn't help.  I have lots of daffodils, but another spring with no tulips!  I think deer are beautiful animals, but they really need to stay in the bush and eat what's there instead of eating my tulips!  Stupid deer!

We had our first week of church services in our new building.  They were great.  Sunday morning we prayed and dedicated the building to use for God's glory, along with dedicating ourselves to be faithful to His work.  Amen!

I've been listening to the most amazing sermons this week from the youth conference in Barrie last weekend.  My Mom took four teens from our church down, and she bought all the sermons on cd.  I cannot even describe how awesome the preaching is.  It's been so encouraging to listen to the messages.  And from the testimonies that the kids gave on Sunday, they had a great time there too. 

My Dad is in Bolivia on a work/mission trip.  Apparently they made it safe and sound and have been busy painting and killing cockroaches :).  Sounds like a good time.  I can hardly wait until he gets back, and he tells us all about it.  I've been on three mission trips, and I'm dying to go on another one.  Hopefully soon!

God is answering prayer in amazing ways.  I'll be able to share that in a later blog post, but it's just so encouraging they way He is working things out with some decisions I'm making.  I'm excited to share about it when everything is finally settled, so you will just have to keep reading if you want to know what it is :).  I guess that also guarantees that I will be posting again... sometime... haha.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  My Mom and I are going yard saling... woo hoo!  Nothing can stop us, not even 10 centimetres of snow!

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