This is our youth group meeting last Friday (the date on my camera is a little messed up). We're getting ready for the Pastor's devotional.

Pastor Bauserman, Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Bauserman at Youth Group

Pastor giving his devotional. We have been studying in the book of Proverbs on how to live wisely.

Mmmmm.... ice cream. After the devotional we had a snack!

Our very mature and always serious Youth Group helper.

As I said very mature and always serious. I'm in charge of organizing activities each week.

I have no idea where she got that from.

Always eating... typical boy.

Oh look, another boy eating.

This is my nephew Joel being dedicated last Sunday. He's the one in the middle:-)
It was a very good dedication service. Pray that he grows up knowing the Lord.
New pictures! Keona likes your "serious" faces :P