That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I love Sunday nights. I make it a point to relax on Sunday and do whatever I want! Which usually includes watching the Amazing Race and playing on my computer :). Today I had to actually do a little house work after church because my friend Coco is coming over tomorrow! If you've been following my blog you already know about her plans to go on the mission field.

On Friday we had our weekly Youth Group at church. I've been organizing activites every other week, and the pastor has been leading us in a Bible study through Proverbs. God has really been blessing this ministry at our church. This week we had our first visitor out. One of my students had expressed an interest in God and church, so I invited hem to our youth group. He ended up talking to the Pastor after our Bible study and asking Jesus to be his Saviour. AMEN!!!

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday my Dad was working on my basement. He was supposed to go moose hunting this week, but my uncle's funeral took half the week and my basement the other half. I'm greatful that he gave up his hunting to work on my house:). So, he's studding and insulating my basement, but in the process my water intake pipe developed a leak. NOT GOOD! The plummer came and patched it up, but it's going to need to be totally replaced eventually.

Today was church. I always like going to church:). This afternoon we labled and folded tracts for distribution. That could be considered boring, but when everyone is working together, it goes fast and it's good for conversation.

And now I'm at the "whatever-I-want-to-do" part of my day. I guess that means blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Oh- say hi to Coco for me!! I chatted with her the other week on the phone. Hope she gets some mental & physical R & R.- Heather
