That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life...
Philippians 2:15-16a

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Life in the North

This is typical for up here. Snow, snow, and more snow. It always amazes me how we talk about the first major snow of the year as if it's some kind of strange phenomena, when really we've had snow EVERY year for literally hundreds, and probably thousands of years! But not millions of years!

I guess it's just something for us northerners to complain... I mean talk about. The proverbial weather conversation. Snow just means there is actually weather happening, so the conversation is much longer than...

"Nice weather we're having today, isn't it?"

It's even given me something to blog about!

So, other than the fact it snowed... like it does every year, I have my Christmas shopping done. Just need to wrap now. Church was good last night. I missed choir because I don't like driving in all this snow without snow tires on my car, and because the pastor was late, so church just a little bit longer than usual :).

Today it's off to another fun-filled day of teaching music, and at some point in the next two days I need to find time to bake cookies. That's in the midst of three recitals, two if which I am hosting, a master class for my university students, the grand opening of the Opera Cafe, which I want to go to, work, work, and more work, my Mom's birthday, and ... I'm sure there's something else, but it might take me a minute to remember :).

So, happy snow day everyone! I'm off to shovel my driveway! Which, I've already done twice, but the snowplow decided he needed to come up my street again and now the bottom of my driveway is snowed in!

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